A Trip To Beaver Island
Have you ever wanted to catch a 30 pound fish on your 8wt fly rod? How about a chance to see a 6 pound smallmouth bass inhale your fly? What about wading the flats in crystal clear water and sight fishing for huge schooling fish? If you have ever dreamed of any of these things then I have a trip for you!

It was 4AM in Bloomington, Indiana in late June and the F150 was loaded with suitcases, rod tubes, waders, boots, tackle bags, and enough snacks to feed an army. Sure the truck was loaded down but it was my first “real” fly fishing trip away from home and not knowing what to expect, I wanted to be sure I was prepared. Shortly I picked up my partner for the trip, Ben, and we headed North towards Michigan.
Good company and talk of fish, flies, leaders, tippets and such made the trip enjoyable and in a short 8 hours we arrived at the airport in Charlevoix, Michigan where we met up with Tim and Paul from the HFF Club. We were to hop to our destination Beaver Island, on a small turbo prop airplane. That’s when I found out half the stuff I had brought on the trip would stay in the F150, there was a weight limit on cargo for the the small aircraft. Needless to say the rod tubes, waders, tackle bags, and one suitcase made the trip to the Island.
The Beaver Island Archipelago is located in upper Lake Michigan and has a rich history. I fell in love with the town and the people there. It’s a place that once you visit you will dream of returning someday. Life styles are laid back and everyone you meet speaks or gives you a wave.
The end of the first day would be settling in to our rooms, meeting the guides, Kevin Morlock and Steve Martinez of Indigo Guide Service, and having a great supper at one of the local pubs. Everyone on the island was so friendly it made me feel welcome. The next two days we would spend fishing with the guides.
On our first morning out I was amazed how clear and aqua blue the waters were, and how shallow it was. Looking over the side of the boat you could see bottom everywhere we traveled. We caught huge carp on fly rods from the boat, waded the flats and sight fished for huge carp, and I can’t tell you how many smallmouth bass we caught in between the schools of carp those two days. I have to tell you my arms were wore out from casting and catching so many big fish but it was a good feeling that brought a smile to my face. It was the trip of a lifetime for me and I want to go back someday. You can find pictures of the trip here Beaver Island Pictures.
Beaver Island is a great place to visit and if you’re into fly fishing for big fish then Kevin and Steve are the guides for you on Beaver Island. If you are interested in going this year you need to hurry and make plans NOW! Here is the perfect opportunity to go on a trip of a lifetime that’s close to home. You can find information on some scheduled trips here: http://carptrip.com/