January 2025 HFF Meeting

I trust we are all staying more or less warm and using this inside weather to tie some flies for the coming season. The next meeting of the HFF will be January 21. Again we will meet at the American Legion Hall on third street, Dinner will be at 6:00 and the program will be at 7:00.

The program this month will be brain storming for our role in the 4H program “Fly Fishing for Bluegills.” The program will be in two parts. The first will be online on March 19th and the second will be on March 22 with fly casting demo and practice at Fairfax Beech. We will be discussing ways to best conduct our role in this 4H event and looking for volunteers for the events.

The tying demo will be a Turkey Feather Muddler. This was originally set for November to honor Turkeys for their drumsticks but ran out of time. So we will do it this month to honor the Turkeys for their wonderful feathers for fly tying.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 21st. Dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00.
Stay warm,


November 2024 HFF Meeting

The Next meeting of the Hoosier Fly Fishers will be November 19th.
We will meet at the American Legion again with dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00. Just a little thought…I wish I could catch Wipers the way Indiana University is winning football games!

Sanden O’Connell will be giving the presentation covering brown trout stockings. He is the district 4 assistant fisheries biologist. Nathan Klein, the lead fisheries biologist for district 4, may also be in attendance depending on his schedule.

The program will also include demos of flies using seasonally appropriate feathers, viz. turkey feathers… We are hoping to see a Muddler fly and a Nymph fly.

The Hoosier Fly Fishers annual Christmas party will be December 15th at 11:00 and once again will be at the Red Lobster Restaurant In Bloomington this year.The raffle this year will include a Larry Barber fly rod with a reel and line.This year each member and their significant other will receive a $25 certificate for the meal. As always, this does not include adult beverages. Again it is very important that you let Barbara Hatton know how many of you are planning to attend. We need a good head count so please let Barb know at the meeting or drop her a note.

Looking forward to seeing everyone next Tuesday at the HFF meeting. Again we will be at the American Legion Post #18 here in Bloomington with dinner at 6:00 and the program  at 7:00.

See you there,


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