Official November HFF Meeting

The HFF meeting will be November 19th at the Colorado Steakhouse. Dinner at
6:00 and the meeting at 7:00. Hope to see you all there.

The November 19th meeting of the HFFG will be picture perfect! I know
this to be a fact because our own Kevin Montague will present a program
on new digital cameras and tips on great outdoor photography. He will
provide good tips for that grip and grin pic if any of us ever catch a
fish worthy of recording for history.

And, if that is not enough, Mike Donovan will be tying some classic
streamer flies. These will include a Black Nose Dace and Mickey Finn.
Who knows what else he has in mind. I am sure these flies will help you
catch that fish of a lifetime and employ the photography skills we
learn from Kevin.

The Christmas party is December 12. The raffle prize this year is a TFO
BVK 6wt rod with hard case and Orvis Clearwater reel. I know several of
us are using the BVK rod and Orvis large arbor reel and find it to be
good stuff! I know we could all use another rod and reel, come to the
party, buy tickets, wish yourself luck and have fun.

There is still time for nominations for executive officers. We are
especially interested in nominations for Vice President/Program Chair.
Nominations from the floor at the meeting are in order and welcome.


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