Tag Archives: fly fishing

March 2014 HFF Meeting

Larry Brown Tying a Streamer
Larry Brown Tying a Streamer

Several Members attended the March Hoosier Fly Fishers meeting and enjoyed the  food and fellowship as well as a  fly tying demonstration by Larry Brown.   The Annual HFF Merchandise Auction was the main event for the evening and members brought in some great stuff for us to bid on and take home.   A sampling of the items up for grabs were,  fly reels,  fiberglass fly rod,  bamboo fly rod,  fly packs,  hand tied flies,  and many other nice items.   As expected, Colonel Kevin Montague was in fine form for the night.   He  entertained us with his wit and coaxed us into bidding on the fine fly fishing items with his auctioneering skills.  Thank you Kevin for a delightful evening.  The proceeds from the auction will go into a fund for acquiring guest speakers for the club.

Larry Brown Demonstrates tying by hand.
Larry Brown Demonstrates tying by hand.

After the auction Larry Brown gave a demonstration on tying a smallmouth streamer fly of his own design.   The unique thing about Larry’s presentation was that the only tools he used was a pair of scissors to trim the material with.   The fly was tied completely by hand.   Larry also told about how he came up with the fly pattern while fishing for smallmouth bass on a local creek.    If you missed the story about the fly and the smallmouth, ask him about it sometime.   The story is a good lesson in what fly fishing is all about.   Thanks Larry for the demonstration and your insight into our sport.

Warm Water Cronicles
Warm Water Cronicles

The April 15th meeting will feature Ian Anderson of Warm Water Chronicles and Fly Masters in Indy as the program.   He will tell us all about spring White Bass fishing.  Ian also teaches beginning and intermediate fly tying at FlyMasters and is a font of information about warm water flyfishing.  If you haven’t already, check out the WWC site for Ian’s weekly tying tips. Good stuff there.

March HFF Meeting Update

Well, for some of us at least, open water has made flyfishing possible
in some local hot spot. Mike B reports 57 Crappie, 21 Bluegill, 11
Yellow Bass and, 1 LM Bass. OK, so they were all small but that is
still 90 more fish than I have caught this year! So if you haven’t got
your 2014 fishing license yet (Indiana Online Licensing), this should
be motivation enough to do so. While you are at it get a State Park
pass as well (Mother Nature Mercantile).

Now about the HFF March 18th meeting. It is the annual auction and our own Kurnel Kevin will be the auctioneer again this year. Reports are that he is in fine fettle and ready to go. We need you all to bring really cool stuff you no longer need and spend a few bucks to take home really cool stuff someone else doesn’t need. Remember, he who has the most stuff at the end wins. There will be good deals to be had including flies tied by members and a new Cortland 444 4 wt. double tapered fly line.  Who knows what else, just be assured it will all be great and you need to own it. Bring stuff, bring money, have fun!!  Colorado Steakhouse, March 18th, dinner at 6:00 and program at 7:00.

And if the excitement of the auction were not enough, our own Larry
Brown will tie a streamer pattern he uses with great effect. He uses of that foil from wine and whiskey bottles for the weight. We should thank Larry for emptying all those bottles just to get some tying material. That is real dedication.

The April 15th meeting will feature Ian Anderson of Warm Water
Chronicles (http://warmwaterchronicles.com) and FlyMasters in Indy (http://www.flymasters.com) as the program. He will tell us all about spring White Bass fishing. Ian also teaches beginning and intermediate fly tying at FlyMasters and is a font of information about warm water flyfishing. If you haven’t already, check out the WWC site for Ian’s weekly tying tips. Good stuff there.
