Tying the Best Flies for One Pound Bluegills

Several club members showed up at The Colorado Steak House for supper, business, the raffle, fly tying, and the IU game on TV. The food was great, the business good, the raffle a success, the fly tying great and IU beat Michigan State. The main event of the meeting was the fly tying, of course. Four members shared their favorite bluegill flies and showed us how to tie them. Tim Mathers tied an ostrich and peacock herl variant fly called Tim’s Bluegill Treat. Mike Donovan tied a foam variant of a Predator fly. Larry Barber tied his all time favorite the Muddler Minnow size #14 in six different variations. Barry Clarke tied the Suzy Q chenille and rubber leg bluegill killer. I’m sorry there is not more information on the flies but I am sure any one of the guys will gladly give you the recipe if you ask them nicely. The pics are for Al since he had the crud and couldn’t be there. Thanks Paul Brown for taking the pictures.