Tag Archives: JL Waters

2021 Outlook.

Weather is improving, waters are moving, and it is beginning to look like Spring near Bloomington. Fish have been biting in the creeks and lakes with sunny day water temps in the lower to mid 50’s. Go fish if you can, just stay safe, we are not out of this pandemic yet. 

There is no good news yet from the Club but there has been some discussion on planning a meeting sometime soon. Check back here to see when and if anything  like safe meetings or outings can be planned.

On a high note, I have heard, from someone with good authority, that JL Waters on the Square in downtown Bloomington has recently expanded and restocked their shelves and pegboards with “tons” of good stuff for fly fishers. Better hurry down there before it’s all gone. Wear a mask! 

HFF Christmas Party Update.

2015 HFF Christmas Party

We had a good turn out for the Annual HFF Christmas Party.  Many members and guests enjoyed the hospitality at Bobby’s Colorado Steakhouse as well as the wonderful Brunch Buffet they serve on Sundays.  What a feast it was! I venture a guess to say no one went away hungry.

Everyone enjoyed the fellowship as well as the food,  It was a great get together during a special time of year.  Various discussions heard around the room included; what’s biting and where, do you use dubbing loops, now exactly where is this double secret Honey Hole,  you should have used a 4 weight, how many raffle tickets can I buy, yes I paid my dues, where’s Pablo, something about horsing around, and did you really catch a wiper that big?

Mark Fuller TFO Rod.After the meal the topic of discussion was the raffle. This years prize package was a new 9ft 6 wt TFO Clouser rod, TFO rod case, TFO Reel, a book titled Paddle Indiana, and a JL Waters Bandana,  all purchased at JL Waters on the town square downtown Bloomington. Congratulations to Mark Fuller, the new owner of the outfit. I’m sure he knows how to use it and will put it to good use.

FISH REPORT: Happy Holidays to one and all! (They are still biting, GO FISH).

Lake Monroe Crappie
Lake Monroe Crappie January 01 2016